Design Services

Motivated Marketing
from $199.00
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Website Basic Build
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Advanced Build
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The above packages DO NOT INCLUDE

Logo Design

Domain purchases

Monthly setup

If you would like additional services, such as those listed above we can add them and invoice you.

If you require additional portfolio galleries outside of your package they are $150 for each additional gallery we set up. If we incur charges for domain transfer or registering, we will invoice you for those and let you know in advance.

The above pricing is assumed that you have images edited that can be sent to us - we will provide instructions for content transfer.

All general writing and information also needs to be sent to us and we will enhance current written text. Should you need extra copy written, additional charges may incur.

Most websites can be designed within 2-4 weeks if not sooner, depending on how much content you have and how fast we can receive the information we need from you.

Upon purchasing, you will be sent instructions for helping us receive the information we need to build your site. Site design is clean, modern and does not include custom designed backgrounds or wall paper. You can choose the overall color theme of your site and make changes. Once your site is complete, you will have an additional 14 days to make any changes or adjustments. After that time additional changes or design will incur additional charges.

All sites are built in Squarespace and you will receive information and access to modify.